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How to apply Samsu Oil


SAMSU OIL is to be applied to the EXTERNAL SURFACE of the male sexual organ and only very small quantity is needed at in point time when you wish to meet with your partner.

Pour very small quantity on your finger and rub
it lightly on the head and shaft at least 30 minutes before the game, but avoid rubing it on your scrotum. 

SAMSU OIL is in liquid form and as such there will be no sign or trace that you apply any substance on your joystick.  

You should be very careful when pouring it on your finger so as not to spill and waste the entire content. 

You can take a bath 20 to 30 minutes after application, because you might feel very slight tingling peperish sensation, though, this is  against the manufacturer's instruction in the leaflet, but from my experience as a user, it's better. 

I also observed that the longer the time you applied SAMSU OIL, the stronger its potency. For example, if you apply the product an hour or more before meeting your partner, it will be more potent than applying it 15 minutes before meeting your partner.  

For information or purchase, contact Adeyemi on whatsapp via 08182789487

Click: https://www.konga.com/merchant/loversnest-blog to place your order on KONGA

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